

Creative and marketing agencies face significant challenges, including winning new business, managing multiple campaigns, and maintaining a strong online presence.

Innovare AI builds tailored AI-powered automation solutions to address these needs

Helping agencies reduce costs, accelerate time to market, and enhance their human capital by allowing teams to focus on strategic, high-value tasks.
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Our solutions provide quick, actionable
insights, streamlining operations

Enabling your agency to stay competitive and agile in a rapidly evolving landscape.
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AI-Powered Lead
Generation Solution

To alleviate the challenge of acquiring new clients, InnovareAI’s AI-Powered Lead Generation Solution automates the initial stages of client outreach.

By employing AI-driven analytics to tailor email and LinkedIn campaigns, this solution efficiently connects with potential clients, increasing the agency’s reach and engagement. This automated process not only enhances the effectiveness of lead generation efforts but also allows agency personnel to dedicate more time to nurturing and deepening client relationships, thus driving business growth.

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Workflow Automation Solution

InnovareAI’s Workflow Automation Solution targets the operational complexities of managing multiple projects and clients.

By integrating various project management tools and automating repetitive administrative tasks, it significantly streamlines agency workflows. This increased efficiency reduces the likelihood of errors and frees up agency staff to focus on higher-value activities such as strategy and creative development, ultimately leading to more successful project outcomes and higher client satisfaction.

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Generative AI Content Creation Solution

Addressing the constant demand for innovative and engaging content, InnovareAI’s Generative AI Content Creation Solution provides a powerful tool for agencies.

It uses machine learning to quickly produce a variety of content, from articles to social media posts, based on learned patterns and inputs.

This rapid content generation capability allows agencies to scale their creative offerings without additional resource strain, maintaining a high level of creativity and relevance in their campaigns.

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Data Services Solution

For agencies aiming to stay ahead in a data-driven marketing landscape, InnovareAI’s Data Services Solution equips them with sophisticated tools for analytics and insight generation.

This solution enhances the agency’s ability to make informed, strategic decisions by providing detailed analyses of market trends and consumer behavior. Armed with these insights, agencies can offer more targeted, effective marketing strategies to their clients, ensuring that they remain competitive and can anticipate market shifts.

Case Study: RX Media

RX Media partnered with Innovare AI to implement a managed lead generation automation strategy, leading to a 32% increase in qualified leads and a 60% reduction in labor costs for an SDR.

The strategy also achieved a consistent 25% connection rate on LinkedIn, generated over 50 LinkedIn conversations, and resulted in 15 sales calls. Within six months, the LinkedIn network expanded by 514 decision-makers, allowing the agency to maintain a robust sales funnel on a limited budget.


Ready to take your agency to the next level with custom-built AI solutions?

Contact Innovare AI today for a personalized consultation and discover how our advanced AI-driven automation can help you achieve your goals, from significant cost savings and increased efficiency to faster time to market and enhanced strategic focus.